
Welcome to Kaguya. This website primarily serves as a blog for me to post about whatever I want, and a series of links to other websites that may be of interest. Have a look around, and if you like what you see then consider following.

For credits on various resources I’ve used, check my humans.txt

I can be reached at himekaguya@protonmail.com

Some Q&A that may or may not be asked:

What’s a ‘Kaguya’?

Kaguya is a character from an ancient Japanese story, probably most well known today for her modern depictions like Houraisan Kaguya from Touhou or Ghibli’s adaptation.

I used the name because I had an email with the name lying around and was too lazy to change it.

What do you post about?

Anything really, sticking to a single topic is hard. However, I won’t be writing about:

  • In-depth politics.
  • Details, stories, anything about my personal life.
  • Reactionary responses, i.e. seeing some guy whining about something and then whining about it too.

How can I follow this blog?

The easiest way is probably getting a Nekoweb account, following the site with the button on the side column there, and then checking your followers to see if the site updates.

The most flexible way is to get an RSS feed reader (I use yarr as a desktop app), then following the RSS feed by clicking on the orange button on the aside and pasting the feed link into it.

The most OCD way is to just check the site manually every day.

The best way is to do all 3 at the same time so I can artificially boost my numbers and brag about it.

How is this site maintained?

I use Hugo. If you’ve never used a static site generator before, basically you can make a bunch of webpages (like blogposts) just by utilizing markdown files which are essentially text files with a little extra flair. I’d recommend it if you want to run a blog.

Seen some people use 11ty as well, depends on whether you like Go or Javascript more I suppose.


I’m not interested unless we already know eachother, thanks.

Also please remember that I’m an adult so if you’re someone under the age of 18 who thinks speaking to someone who isn’t constitutes a form of sexual assault, then there’s your head’s up to avoid talking to me. Instead, I’d recommend that you seek a mental health professional or at the very least get euthanasia.