Startup Pages
Startup pages are the pages that open when you open your web browser, or open a new tab. For most people this is just whatever generic shit the web browser has in mind, typically a search bar on an otherwise empty or ad-filled page, but did you know you with a slight bit of tinkering you can basically just set the startpage to whatever you want? I did, I’ve been doing that for a while and I’m gonna talk about it here.
First off, the startpage itself. This is just an HTML file. If you’re on Nekoweb, you should be familiar with what one of these is by now. What you want to do is basically have your browser open this HTML page by default, and you can do this by setting your new tab as this HTML page.
How you actually do this is annoying, because Chrome and I assume Firefox don’t let you do this by default. On Chrome, you can get an addon known as Custom New Tab URL and you can set this to use a local file that you have saved on your computer. Then you can set the startup page to be your new tab, so whenever you have an empty page that’s got nothing else going on it’ll always have your nice startup page.
So what exactly does a startup page look like? Whatever you want it to, really. Mine is a pretty minimal series of links and I haven’t really felt the need to change it any, generally a startpage is simply an easier way to get to sites you visit often. Maybe I’ll try giving it an update later if I can think of information I’d like to know regularly.
As far as I’ve seen, most people tend to do this as well but in various ways. Often it might include a search bar for quick googling, various funny gadgets for a quick giggle, or stuff like weather information to quickly understand if it’s going to rain again.
Here is a resource on startup pages. You could try using a live one to see if you like the idea, then moving onto creating your own. Again, startpages are (generally) just HTML/CSS/Javascript so anyone who’s made even a mediocre Nekoweb/Neocities website should have an idea of what to do.
Let me know if you made a cool one, cause I didn’t cause I’m too lazy.