Nekoweb RSS Feed

Hey look, Nekoweb has a built-in RSS feed now. Man my posts are gonna start doing numbers.

Since Google suffocated them in their sleep, RSS feeds have always been a little more complicated than the name ‘Really Simple Syndication’ might imply. If you’re not already aware what RSS feeds are, they’re essentially just a different kind of HTML file. You define elements in it, such as a title, a time, an author, a description, and parsers read those elements and display them to you.

The primary purpose of an RSS feed is to let you know when something on a site updates. For me, it’s my posts. For podcasts, they release a new episode. Bands can use it to announce their new albums, news sites can use it to inform viewers of new articles.

I think you get the idea, but for an even more simple idea you can say that RSS is like the Internet’s ‘subscribe button’. It works exactly like Youtube’s subscriptions do, except Youtube can’t then proceed to monitor your watch habits as effectively and sell you more targeted advertising.

That being said, I get it. It’s kind of a pain in the ass to download a new program or browser extension and then have to figure out what the fuck an ‘xml’ file is, so most people don’t bother. It’s two or three steps more involved than just clicking a button.

Nekoweb has gone and made this process much more simple for its users. Now, everyone can follow the RSS feeds of their friends just by being Nekoweb followers.

Which means you should follow me because you saw this and thought I was sooper cool.

Anyways uhhh if you wanna make your own RSS feed, the best way to do that is with generators but I bet some of you diehards will manually update them and for that I salute you.

Previously between here and the last sentence I posted a brief list of complaints. I realize now that I’m just retarded and was misunderstanding how an intentional feature that was designed to prevent Nekoweb from being pwned was implemented. Or, in other words, “Disregard, I suck cocks.”

I’m going to post how to make multiple RSS feeds for the same section in Hugo because it took me a second or two to figure it out.

Define an output format in hugo.toml following this guide, particularly you want the output to be in rss+xml as plaintext in https. You can name it whatever but I had it as outputFormats.neko with the basename neko.

Next you need to go into your layouts, and under the area you want to have multiple RSS feeds you can create a folder for it (like posts/) and then you have to name the file ‘posts.neko.xml’ which will properly resolve it.

Either way I hope the general RSS feed inspires people to post their creative stuff more.